Trading Card Game Events

Hobby Bastion strives to host the TCG events that the community wants and loves. Historically and locally, Magic the Gathering has been the leading game, dominating Friday Night Magic, Pre-Release events and glorious Game Days. 
Recently, Flesh and Blood has rapidly grown to be a hugely popular game, and we now host multiple FAB events every month, including the increasingly popular Team Sealed events that draw players from all over Victoria. 

Hobby Bastion holds no bias towards particular games, and if you want to see your game played regularly at the store, show your support, turn up to events and encourage your friends to join you. We are always happy to try new games and systems, and will continue to support the games that best support a positive and healthy gaming community. 

If you'd like to help plan an event for a new game system, or teach new players, reach out via our contact form. We are a small regional store, and we all have to work together to make our favorite games thrive!